Chocolate milk beats energy drinks? Fantastic!

Photo by Beatrice Murch, Flickr
Photo by Beatrice Murch, Flickr

I’m a little behind the times, it seems, with the news that chocolate milk is potentially better as a post-exercise recovery drink than other sports drinks.

According to many of the online articles I’ve tracked down, it appears I’m a year or two out of date. Why didn’t someone tell me? I mean, this is ground-breaking news in my household!

I can finally justify my overwhelming appreciation of M&S chocolate milk (my favourite), and use it to recover from my regular bike rides along the Kennet and Avon canal path.

Of course, I won’t be ditching the isotonic drinks completely, as they’re perfect fuel for the ride itself. Yet, I will take great pleasure in the thought of an ice-cold glass of choccie heaven awaiting my dishevelled arrival, and feel better knowing it’s doing me some good.